Thursday, August 24, 2006

Diver does his bird

It's a little-known fact that the titles to these rants are actually hyperlinks, and if you click on the title of this entry, it will take you to a story on RTE's website. This dude called Diver killed his wife, and got a life sentence, as you do. See here:

Apparently he 'had nothing left to give her', according to his lawyer, quoted here:

Son he gave her the chop. As you would further do, without much ado.

Now, due to some investigative bungling by the boys in bull's wool, out he comes again, a free man. Better that a hundred criminals should go free than one innocent man go to jail, say those who advocate a liberal justice system, and Diver is one of the hundred.

Now, here it gets beyond being just funny, and into the realm of the truly bonkers. Diver buys a catapult, and shoots things at his neighbour's shed. The neighbour being an average clever Dublin sort of chappie rigged up a DIY CCTV system and recorded the bould Diver with smoking gun, or the catapult version thereof. Note the complete lack of bulls wool in the evidence-gathering phase of this investigation. No-one dead, only a vexed neighbour. And what does Diver get?


He kills his wife and he walks, he fires things at a shed, and he gets jail. Thank God and the depressive democrats for our liberal justice system.



Blogger Bock the Robber said...

He's nothing short of a cunt and he should either

a) spend the rest of his natural life in jail, or

b) be buggered to death by a big black tinker that he meets in the prison and pisses off for some reason.

Furthermore, his children are cunts too for backing up his version after he killed their mother.

Bring back the Iron Maiden and the Boot. That's what I say.

Fuck him!

11:58 PM  

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